Friday, December 19, 2008

Highlights of 2008

This year has been crazy at The Harvey House, and I had pretty much decided we would not send out our Annual Christmas Newsletter, but then decided that I would regret it if I didn't document our life in 2008. So here we are at the last minute throwing something together, so if our life in letter seems a little jumbled or hectic then we have done a good job at capturing what it is like around here as of late. Thankfully we have not had any major home projects this year, but Amy's sister Arin & her husband Troy, & their 3 lovely, BIG dogs lived with us for several months over the summer, while their new house was being built. It was fun having them and they actually still love our kids, even after seeing their true, TRUE colors so it's all good. We also took a week long trip back to Oklahoma in October to visit family. It was such a refreshing time for all of us and really made us wish we lived in the country. Maybe someday....but for now:

Ryan is still chugging along in school. We realize that most people who have gone to school as long as he has have Doctorates, but what can we say. He is transferring to the University of Utah this Spring and has applied to several Nursing Programs. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he gets accepted to the U's program but really we will take whatever we get. He is still managing Pearle Vision in West Valley. And serving as a counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency. Ryan is holding strong under all of this weight and despite such a busy and demanding schedule, he does his best to make time for our family and tries to do whatever he can to help out when he is home.

Amy is still busy, busy, busy and wishes that just a few more hours could be added to the day. She is still working one day a week at Target and is not looking forward to working more once Ryan starts the Nursing Program. Amy finally got smart and turned her love of bargain shopping into a profitable endeavor thanks to ebay. Now not only does she get the thrill of snagging a good deal, she gets a double thrill when she sells it and makes money! After being released from the Primary Presidency earlier this year, Amy was called to serve as the Home, Family, & Personal Enrichment Co-Chair. It has been a lot of fun being involved with such wonderful activities and women.

Isac is 10 now & in the 5th grade. We are loving this year in school. He has a great teacher & the curriculum has reminded me why 5th grade was my favorite year in school. He is learning a lot and while science is his strong point, he is really enjoying geography and history. Isac is our creative child and we often marvel at the things that his mind comes up with. He loves watching Discovery Channel and his favorite is Survivor Man. He claims that when he is 18 he plans to move to Antelope Island and live off the land. Good luck with that Isac. His most exciting news of the year is that his parents were actually nice for once and gave in to his years of begging for a pet and allowed him to get a hamster. He also ditched the glasses for contacts. He will be grown up before we know it.

Emily is still our little fireball. Always the strong-willed child, at 3 she continues to keep us on our toes. She started preschool this year, & after approximately 3 weeks of screaming bloody murder everyday, she has decided that she absolutely loves it! She is always learning something new & we think she is brilliant. However our sweet little Emily has become such a tomboy that there are times when we worry about how she will turnout. Most days she will only answer to the name Lightning (McQueen), can frequently be seen wearing Spider-man clothes, & she is convinced that when she grows up she is going to be a dad. Emily is a good sister, always willing to cater to & take care of her brothers. She loves her daddy & is her mom's best friend.

Our little baby Mack is getting too big, too fast. When he reaches the 18 month milestone this month, he will go to nursery and opposite of the previous children in this family, he cries because he wants to GO to nursery and he can't yet. He has been such a joy to our family, with his sweet face and charming demeanor. He is a cuddler and gives the yummiest kisses. He LOVES to be outside and is obsessed with shoes because he has learned that they are his ticket to freedom. Mack is fascinated with anything that goes, mostly trains & trucks. We think he might be a long-haul trucker when he grows up and we wonder if we should have given him a different name.

At this time, with so much uncertainty, and so many challenges facing each of us and the world as a whole it is comforting to know where we can always turn for peace. We recognize that we are truly blessed and we acknowledge the love and mercy of a tender God, who has shown us the goodness of His ways and the truth that He is mindful of us all. We rejoice in the coming of His Son, even Christ, whose birth causes us to publish these glad tidings. With love and gratitude for wonderful children, a warm place to live, and food to feed us, we extend our love to you at this wonderful Christmas season.

Love, The Harvey's
Ryan, Amy, Isac, Emily, & Mack


Vanderlinden Clan said...

You always write such great Christmas letters! I think I might have been knocked off my writing throne! I love reading your letter even though I see you guys almost every day, and what a smart idea to do it on your blog.

CasaJenkins said...

Wow you guys are amazing! Keep up the good work Ryan I will call you doctor from now on. I am always impressed by people who set goals and do it no matter what. Keep going!!!!

Jared & Tami said...

Hey guys!! Can't wait to see you all on CHristmas!!!!! Hey I actually get to see my Bro. Everytime I'm there I don't get to see you cause you are the busiest guy there is!! Love you guys!!

_ by the way I think Mack looks like Isac

The Nickell Family said...

What a wonderful Christmas letter...I think I'll copy you and put mine on my blog...sure not enough hours in the day to get it all done! You really have a great looking family...the kids grow up WAY too fast! Enjoy your Christmas!

Arin and Troy said...

Yay! Me and Troy made it into the Christmas letter!

Ganny said...

It was a busy year!!!!!!! But a Good one. Love ganny