Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Remember that time...

Remember the time when Isac didn't bring home homework all week so we had to try to print it off of the school website, except remember how there was no ink in the printer. Remember that was the same week that Emily decided to pee her pants at least once a day. Remember that while we were trying to print unfinished homework Emily peed her pants right in front of the potty. Remember how Mack is her shadow and that he slipped in the puddle and slammed his head on the bathroom tile. Remember that while I was trying to comfort Mack and strip down the 2 littles for a shower, Isac jumped up to investigate all the commotion and stepped on a random sewing needle that was loose on the floor. Remember how it jammed itself over halfway (almost 2 inches!) into his barefoot. And remember that while I was dealing with the pee mess Isac came hopping on one foot, hysterical into the bathroom. Remember that when I pulled the needle out, blood squirted all over the carpet, and that when I returned to the bathroom for a washcloth, Mack had copied his sister and was standing in a new puddle of pee on the floor.
And do you remember that all of this happened in about a minute.
That was fun.


Vanderlinden Clan said...

please don't tell me that happened tonight!!

Candice said...

Oh, Amy! Do you need me to come over and help?? You totally win the craziest moment award.

The Nickell Family said...

and they didn't take you away in a straight jacket?

Jared & Tami said...

Please don't hate me but I have a big smile on my face. I totally understand..... Gotta love kids.

So sorry amy....

Stirling's said...

Oh my goodness! You deserve Mother of the minute!

Rebekah said...

Please don't hate me either - but I was laughing so hard that I almost peed my pants. Ha ha ha!

Ganny said...

Happy Mothers Day every day!!!!!!Let's see how many kids do you want???????????????????????????????????????? Did the phone not ring? Love Ganny

Holly said...

haha. good thing those kids are so cute!

Arin and Troy said...

I think you are the only person I know that could handle that without having a nervous breakdown!!

Sheri said...

Wow! I don't even know what to say! Wow!

katwalk said...

i hope isacs foot is okay

anderson5 said...

You probably kept your cool too! I have never heard you yell or seen you "lose it"! I wish I could say the same about myself!