Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Primary Program

Our ward had the Primary Program a few weeks ago.
Isac only has one more year to go.

Doesn't he look handsome?

He sang more this year than ever before, which isn't that much. However it is always fun to watch what they do sitting on the stand during the whole meeting without parents.
He wrote his own part this year.

"About a year ago my whole family went to the Hawaii temple for my aunt's wedding. I liked all of the gardens & flowers because they were beautiful."

And he even said it with such feeling & enthusiasm.

NOT, it seemed like maybe he was talking about a trip to the dentist or something.


CasaJenkins said...

Your are going to have a teenager very soon, he looks so grown up.

Jared & Tami said...

What a stud!!!! He's going to be a heart breaker one day... soon :)

Urie's said...

That was funny how he said it.