Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Playing Church

Emily has always been our Church-y child.
She just started going to Primary (children's church) as a Sunbeam and loves it.
She has gone twice and hasn't stopped talking about it!
She came up with a new game that we must play at least once a day...
she calls it Mom & Dad Church.
She pretends she is in charge and calls on me or Mack or Isac or Ryan
or who ever is home
to come up to the "front" (the couch) and tell our name.
Then we have to repeat some "scriptures" which she makes up.
We also sing songs and look at random pictures and maps in her Bible.
She tells us the stories about them and if she doesn't know it she makes something up.
Her favorite picture/story is Samuel the Lamanite because she thinks that it is her cousin Sam standing on top of the wall.
Mack doesn't really enjoy the game.
Or play it very well.
Emily tries to convince him that Jesus is not pleased with his behavior.
He doesn't seem to care.
I thought it was cute the first few times, but now I am thinking about not going back to Mom & Dad Church.
It's just too demanding.


Sheri said...

Sister Harvey-There are worse things in life that she could be playing!!!! I am glad she enjoys Primary.

Vanderlinden Clan said...

that's hilarious! Perhaps she could teach the game to Sam; he could use a lesson or two about enjoying church. He's not what I would call our "church-y" child. Oh, and I love her outfit!

Dana Marie said...

what a cute story! Maybe she will grow up to be a pastor!

Candice said...

None of my kids have EVER played going to church. Christopher thinks church is torture! She is adorable!

anderson5 said...

I agree with Candice! I hear at least a million times on Saturdays how boring church is! Who is her Primary teacher?

Arin and Troy said...

Maybe she is going to grow up and start her own church??