Friday, August 7, 2009


If you were outside weeding the garden and your 4 yr. old, tomboy of a daughter beckoned for your attention, and you turned around to see this:

Would you-
a) gag a little on the contents of your stomach which are now in your throat.
b) laugh to yourself at how your 11 yr. old son looks like he is going to faint before he quickly snaps out of it and launches into a tirade about how disgusted he is and how he would NEVER allow that.
c) go grab your camera and capture the slimy moment before plucking the little nasties off, tossing them over the fence into your bad neighbor's yard, and giving the Snail Queen an antibacterial scrub down while listening to her lament about the loss of her 5 precious friends.
d) All of the above

I chose D.


Rebekah said...

Emily is so awesome! This just made my day. :)

CasaJenkins said...

she is great !! that is just funny

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh, I would die!!! It is so stupid, but I am literally terrified of snails...I hate them! Any time Zerin wants to scare me away from some evil plot he's devising, he chases me away with a snail. Way to be a better mom than I would be! ;)

Candice said...

I kind of dry heaved a little just looking at the pictures. I think I would have really lost it if I had seen it in person!! She is adorable, but that is SO GROSS!! It makes my skin crawl. I accidentally stepped on a slug barefoot last week and totally freaked out.

Arin and Troy said...

What will I do if my daughter isnt like that??? I will be devastated! Way to go Emily!!

Jared & Tami said...


Stirling's said...

Those are the cutest pics ever! I love Emily...those pics might come in handy later in life as blackmail!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed till I cried, that kid is somethin else, I love her to pieces...she is so spunky!

Grandma Wilson

Sheri said...

I have been wondering where all those snails have been coming from!

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

Sheri-I was afraid you would think that, but don't worry it wasn't your yard....

Dana Marie said...

I saw a show on TV where a chef paid his kids to collect snails in his backyard for escargot. But, if you were grossed out by her touching them you probably wouldn't want to eat them lol!

Ganny said...

oooooh tooooooooo yukky. Love Ganny