Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Pacifier Posse

...was officially organized this afternoon.
It is a new gang for anyone under age 4 who:

a) believes in constant self-soothing through the use of a pacifier.
b) is committed to the success of the MAM company.
c) supports oral surgeons the world over.
d) has the ability to speak or understand the complex language we call
Pacifier Mumble.

As founding members we have:

Mack "BABY-FACE" Harvey

Emily "SISSY Sista-Girl" Harvey and last, but certainly not least...
Stockton "BUG-Z" JEFFS
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the gang please contact "Sista Girl".


Vanderlinden Clan said...

please don't tell sam about this!! i'm not up for a dump run to retrieve his!

cskelton said...

So THAT'S how you get them not to talk back...good to know ;)

Candice said...

LOL! That is hilarious!

Arin and Troy said...

I wish Stockton would have been dressed a little more 'gansta' for his debut. He doesnt look very tough in pastels.