Friday, April 3, 2009

We really are good parents, I promise...

Last night there was a mix-up at the Harvey House.
You see Isac's fifth grade class had the option to make a catapult for fun and bring it to class today.
Ryan was working late and I was not about to get mixed up with that especially on a Thursday night, post "Sam Day".
So Isac was pleasantly surprised when a friend called at 7:30 p.m. and invited him to come over and help build one.
I willingly took Isac, dropped him off and instructed him to call me when they were finished and I would come to pick him up.
So home I went. I cleaned up dinner, laid out PJ's, and got the kids in the tub.
Once they were sufficiently cleaned, I removed them from the bath and proceeded with the bedtime routine.

Ryan got home around 8:45.
I gave him the run-down on the happenings of the day:
this is what was for dinner if you want some,
please but the towels in the dryer so they don't mildew,
don't lock the door because my dad will be back late,
oh and Isac is at Troy's, I am sure he will call soon for you to go pick him up.

Then I retired to bed myself since I had to work the next morning.
Ryan went about his own business and at 10:00 p.m. decided that being a School Night and all Isac needed to be home.
So he called only to be told by the flabbergasted parents that they had brought Isac home an hour and a half ago!
Yes folks, our child was home and we didn't even know it.

He came in while I was bathing the kids and I guess I didn't hear him because of the running water. He went downstairs to his room to read and then went to bed before we even thought about looking for him.
I think we will just chalk this one up as:

"Our 10 year old is so responsible even though he was actually
suppose to call us"

rather than

"We, the parents, are completely oblivious to
the comings and goings of our children".

Very embarrassing....


Candice said...

That is SO FUNNY!!! LOL!!! I am still laughing!

Sheri said...

I love it!!