Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Primary Program 2009

This year was a success...Emily's 1st and Isac's last. Each executed their parts (which they both wrote themselves) flawlessly. Emily owned the microphone when it was her turn and Isac was slightly more enthusiastic than last year, but he intentionally mumbled the part about his dad "tickling" and "playing" with him after his classmates teased him about it. We of course thought it was cute. He sang parts of all of the songs and smiled whenever he looked at us. Emily sang with her mouth open so wide, and tried her best to stand and sit on cue and even did her own hand motions along with the music leader several times. It was a memorable program and one of my favorite Sundays of the year.

Emily- The temple makes me feel special because Jesus made it.
Isac- My father goes to work to support the family. When I am disobedient he disciplines me because he loves me. My father tickles and plays with me. Sometimes we do projects together and he teaches me how to do many things.