Monday, March 31, 2008

Charlie Cooper

OK, this may seem odd but I thought that I should direct all of you addicted bloggers out there to a blog that will truly affect your life. It is the blog of a 10 month old baby that is overcoming meningitis and is in Primary Childrens. The infection has left him blind, deaf and with brain damage. His parents post regularly to keep everyone up to date on his progress. I have found myself addicted to this blog and I don't know why. Maybe because Mack is close to the same age, I don't know but it is worth checking out. You won't regret it, I promise. Thanks Ryan


Jared & Tami said...

Man he just pulls at my heart strings!!!!How do you know him? My heart & prayers go to the family

Ry you have a heart of gold!! Love you!! Hope you are feeling better.
