Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Emily's 'broken' nose pics

I know these pictures are weird but I am posting them for out of town family members who have been concerned about Emily's nose.  They don't capture exactly how it looked, her lip was busted pretty good but since she always smiles for the camera you can't really tell and all of the blood is cleaned up (the scariest part was that she was bleeding out her eyes).  She had a little swelling & bruising the next day.  You can't even tell anything ever happened now, thank goodness.

Sorry to confuse so many people...this happened about 3 weeks ago.  Emily was racing Isac to the couch and tripped and went face first into the wooden leg of our couch.  We are pretty sure that she broke it, but after calling the doctor they said there wasn't really anything they could do for a broken nose.  But it was pretty traumatic for everyone...I hate blood & never know what to do, Isac felt awful because he thought it was his fault, and Ryan, who is usually the rock in situations like this was practically beside himself since it was 'his little girl' who was hurt & bleeding, and obviously Emily was a little upset too.  Ryan's mom and sisters have been so worried about it so I posted the pictures for them, but she is fine now, sorry for the drama.


Stirling's said...

Oh my goodness, What happened?? Poor little thing!

Tammy said...

Jill took the words right out of my mouth!! WHat happened?? Poor sweet thing!! :(

Brooke said...

Poor kid! Although I think you left out the most important part of this post. What happened?

Vanderlinden Clan said...

ok, she does look a little scary, or at least like she has a broken nose! she's smiling though. glad she's better now.

Lakeside Ward said...

this is the grandma in oregon, I am so glad she is better - she is such a little trooper- so glad she has good parents! Tell Isac I am proud of him, thats quite the cool cake and the writing is superb:)
love you all

Arin and Troy said...

I do NOT like these pictures of Emily!