Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RED Blue & Gold Banquet

This year the cub scout's Blue & Gold Banquet theme was Chinese New Year.  Several of the leaders served their missions in China and they did a great job teaching the boys a little about Chinese culture and how they celebrate the new year.  They served yummy sweet n'n sour chicken and fried rice...much better than hot dogs.  It is tradition that each scout makes a cake with their dad that corresponds with the theme.   Isac wanted me to post a picture of his cake.  It was a hit not only because it looked cool, it tasted good can you go wrong with oreos, cream cheese, and Cool Whip filling?  Ryan did not do the writing...I will take the credit for that.  It says "Year of the Rat" &  "Isac", or at least that is what it was suppose to say. 


Stirling's said...

Awesome cake Isac!

Tammy said...

WOW! Greast cake!! Well done! :) I can't believe how much Isac is growing up! Such a big kid! And handsome!

Arin and Troy said...

Tell Isac I am glad that Mr. Alligator hand made it in the picture.