Sunday, June 8, 2008

Emily's Birthday

Today our baby girl turns 3!!! She is growing up so fast. Looking through her baby pictures and talking aobut the day she was born has brought back so many happy memories that seem like they happened so long ago. I still remember being terrified when I found out we were having a girl. Why didn't anyone ever tell me little girls were so much fun. I love having a daughter and with our house full of boys, the two of us have to stick together! So for in honor of her 3rd birthday I thought it would be quick to list 3 things about our little Emily:

1. Emily is a total Daddy's Girl. She LOVES her daddy. If she wakes up at night, she cries for Daddy, she wants Daddy to put her shoes on, she wants Daddy to hold her, she wants Daddy to pour her milk, the list could go on and on. At times this can be very annoying, but in reality it's nice to get a break and I am glad that she has a daddy that is so worthy of her affection.

2. Emily is 50% girly girl, 50% tomboy. She loves to paint her nails, dance, & wear lip gloss. But then she wants to do whatever Isac is doing. She loves to play in the dirt, fight with swords, & watch Toy Story. I think she will definitely be our toughest, most determined, try anything child. I hope she continues to be so balanced and willing to try to new things throughout her life.

3. Emily is really smart. I don't say this to brag because it has nothing to do with anything I have done. I know there are many children out there that can do things she can't, but as her mother, I am constantly amazed at the things that she knows. She already knows all of the letters & and the sounds they make (thank you PBS Kids). She can spell her name. Give the girl a pencil and paper and she is good to go for awhile. I am grateful that she loves learning new things and I hope she carries that with her always.

Emmy you are such a pleasure to have in our home and family. Thank you for being you and for choosing us to share your life with. We love you and hope you have a Happy Birthday and an exciting 3rd year!!!


Brooke said...

Such a sweet little girl! Happy Birthday Emily!

Candice said...

Happy Birthday!!! Love, The Karper's

Arin and Troy said...

Happy Birthday Emmy! I just wish you could stay 3 forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Emmy - we love you sweetie! Happy Happy Birthday! - Cindy

anderson5 said...

I will never forget seeing Emily for the first time! She was the most beautiful baby I have seen! I am just glad she will talk to me now!

Ganny said...

very cute little three year old.. Love Ganny