Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kicking off Summer 2008

So Friday was the last day of school for Isac!! Where does the time go? We have been counting down the days, so to celebrate we went to get our 1st snow cones of the year!! We had a fun walk too.

We LOVE snow cones!!!

Emily loves to be just like the boys with her new scooter. (Early b-day present)

Thank goodness Mack is so easy going...give him a few books & he is good to go for at least 2.5 miles.
We are looking forward to a fun-filled summer. Isac helped me make a list of things we wanted to do. If anyone has any good ideas of places to visit, things to do, or ways to keep the peace between a 3yr. old & a 10yr. old I would love to hear them!! But for now we're off to do something FUN!!


Dana Marie said...

so, I'm no mom, but I've been wanting to make homemade ice cream in ziplock baggies. little baggie with the ingredients and a big one with the ice. all kids like ice cream right? lol

Arin and Troy said...

Too bad we werent there to go get snow cones too! Hopefully we will move in soon and will be able to enjoy some of the summer festivities!

Urie's said...

I would like to take my kids to the daughters of Utah pioneer museum, the lion house tour, the church history museum, all the free library activites(which look good) park days here and there. I am also going to do a mother/son book club(once to see how it goes) we will get together to discuss in early AUG.do you want to do join?,the first monday of every month the museum of natural history is free, Deb wants to do some hiking trails that I told her to count us in. Centerville has a great bike trial/park great for all ages. and of course we will be going to some of the FREE movies!