Sunday, June 22, 2008

It took 3 years,

but we finally had our "garage sale" this weekend! Now, 3+ years of hoarding later, one long day of our kids spending quality time with Grandma so we could get things together, and a full truckload trip to the DI, we are $450 richer and can actually open our garage without being super embarrassed at how full of crap it is. What a glorious feeling. Now what else do I have in the house I could live without...


Urie's said...

That's awesome! What are you going to spend your extra cash on?

Stirling's said...

Good Job Amy! We did that last year and it appears we need to do it again...I thought we were cured of our hoarding habits but obviously not!

Arin and Troy said...

I'll believe your garage is empty when I see it!