Thursday, October 23, 2008

Helping Gramps

One morning we headed to Gramps' house to checkout the changes he made for the maze. They have done so much work cleaning up the farm and getting things ready it looked great!
They have a little petting zoo set up and the kids were thrilled to get to help feed the animals breakfast! It was cold so Gramps fixed Emily up with a jacket.They have some goats, sheep, chickens, a cow & a horse.

Mack loved driving the tractor.
I really think these kids were made for life in the country.


Dana Marie said...

not to downplay the cutness of the other kids, but mack is way adorable. Him on the fence with his pants all covered in dirt makes me smile

Stirling's said...

I love the first picture of Mack on the fence! You need to have that picture framed!

Arin and Troy said...

These pictures make me so sad that we didnt wait and go in the fall! I wish we could have seen the corn maze and I really wish Gramps was closer so all of our kids could know him.