Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday was a busy day and kind of complicated

There just happened to be a noon basketball game at the elementary school I attended from kindergarten through 8th grade so we had to go. I was exciting to be there and relive all the memories I have at that school. I ran into several of my favorite teachers and got to show off our cute kids. The game was kind of boring...5th & 6th graders are not that fun to watch, but we did get to raid the concession stand. Here is a picture of the kids enjoying their treats.Pickle juice for 10 cents and Laffy Taffy was always a favorite, but I decided to pass this time.

After the game ended and we looked in all the classrooms we headed out to the playground. It has changed in the last 13 years, but the old big toy was there so I couldn't resist taking a picture of the kids on the big slide
We also ran into Isac's Uncle Bronson who is in 5th grade at Pioneer. They are only 6 months apart and had not seen each other for several years. They were both excited and seemed to think they looked a little alike. Maybe a little.
After all that school excitement we came home and changed the nastiest poopy pants ever and had naps. Bronson & his family came over to visit & see Isac. This is Isac's Grandma Kim.This is Isac's Uncle Bo and his cute family, Megan, Malaki, & Cullen. Bo has grown up to be quite the guy, even if he does look like Kid Rock! I was very impressed with his boys too.