Monday, October 20, 2008

On Monday

it started to rain so we had to postpone Isac's fishing trip. I was hoping for a good thunderstorm while we were there, but a drizzling rain was fine. So after a delicious down-home dinner (or lunch as we usually call it here in Utah) of chicken fried steak (I was too hungry & excited to eat it I didn't take a photo) at Vivian's Cafe in Verden we had to go checkout the new Wal-Mart Supercenter in Chickasha. I am Target girl myself, but in small towns Wal-Mart is the happening place so I couldn't miss this chance. Plus we needed to restock our Goldfish & fruit snack reserves. After that exciting outing we headed over to Aunt Linda's house to pet the kitties, pickle okra, and do some crafts.
Linda's house is always a fun place so I am glad the kiddos got to experience that.And I had a private lesson on the proper way to pickle okra so next year I am ready. If anyone is daring enough to try some come on over...I brought home what we didn't eat while we were there! I love it, but it is definitely an acquired taste.


Candice said...

What does it taste like??

Arin and Troy said...

I hope some of that pickled okra is for us!